



I've been staring at the same paragraph for the last hour but nothing comes through my brain. The next thing I knew I was checking sidestep.com for a plane ticket to San Francisco. You came and left like a tornado, shattering my usual cool. After you took off, it has occurred to me that your mere presence resembles some kind of powerful shockwaves that always leaves me unsettled for days, but I must say that my uneasiness also stems from the realization that such meetings would not happen again soon and not without difficulty.  How I wish I was able to spell out everything that was on my mind for you. Even as I am writing this, I struggle with my word choice so the passage does not appear overly explicit, nor is it so vague that you won't know I am talking about you. You made an effort to meet me. Two times in three days. I certainly hope it is not my wishful thinking that you might feel the same way about me as I am to you. I like to think that we are both playing pretend, given the huge external difficulties we would have to overcome otherwise if the mutual feelings are acknowledged. Yes, I am some years younger and we may be couple hours apart. What puzzles me, however, is that people tend to magnify on differences and dismiss the chemistry as mere sparks, which leaves as easily as they come. Risk-averse. I must confess that I am one of those skeptical people but the emotions within me has ballooned into something so disruptive that I have to confide it to you. That's why I am here.


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