

World of 1Q84

I am not sure if reading the Chinese translation, rather than the Japanese text in its original form, gives an accurate picture but 1Q84 has exceeded my expectation in so many ways. Let me say this up front, I have never been a fan of Haruki Murakami because his signature surrealism always leaves me in a confused and unsatisfied state. So many signs and symbols appear in the book, as if they signify a larger theme and yet, Murakami never clarified and explained further in his books the deeper meaning of such bizarre ideas like the giant speaking frog, or the underworld that a deserted well connects to. To me who perhaps lack the sensitive appreciation for his imaginations and creativity, this is all a trick he employs to hook you into reading till the end so you can discover what the book is all about but till now, I fail to grasp the larger picture in his books. Even though 1Q84 incorporates elements of surrealism like the other Murakami's works, the weight between the abstract and actuality is of a good balance in that the the abstract does not overshadow other major themes that I can relate to the reality including domestic violence, religion, sex, love, loneliness and evil. Murakami offers something for everyone in this multilateral novel.

One idea that diffuses across the first two volumes of 1Q84 is the ambiguity of the divide between good and evil. In the first volume, there are events that suggest absolute evil on our moral standard such as the leader of a secret religious cult having sexual intercourse with premature girls but later we find out that this leader carries a bigger mission which seems to justify his deviant behavior. And then there is the main female character who is secretly employed to kill men who abuses their wives. Unacceptable in the ethical perspective, but their motives are justifiable in the author's narratives. Throughout the book, like yin and yang, every event and person has 2 opposite sides which challenges our day-to-day presumptions - be it the bonded couple who has yet to come cross each other's lives since childhood or the macho bodyguard who happens to be homosexual, it is perhaps Murakami's intention to bring opposite elements into these characters to further echo the theme that there is no true divide between good and evil.

1Q84 is the kind of book you will have to read at least two times. The comments, conversations, and observations which appear random in the first time will reveal more significance in the the second time. Each character in this book is uniquely crafted with strong distinctive personality, and the main male character Tengo who got drifted into a whirlpool of events but had almost no control over his own fate, is an extension of the typical male character in Murakami's previous works. Gifted but with almost no ambitions in life, the male characters always live in a dull routine until something extraordinary happens to them one day. In Tengo's case, despite the hope to become a novelist and is talented in writing, he does not know what to write about until a mysterious girl unleashes the creative juice inside him. Sexually as well, he is submissive in nature and therefore dates an older woman who can tell him exactly what to do. Women are both weak and strong in 1Q84 - weak in their vulnerability to sexual assault and strong in their critical role to offset the evil power.

With all the buzz surrounded over 1Q84 (over 2 million copies sold already in Japan), this is only the first 2 volumes of the 3 volumes series. The 3rd volume is scheduled to come out in April in Japanese and the translation versions will be rolled out later. Depending on your state of mind, 1Q84 can be an enjoyable read in the late afternoon or a serious text for students of Japanese Literature and for that, I recommend it to everyone.




公社兩黨近日為了宣傳五區總辭,用"全民起義"作為口號,希望衝擊由回歸以來沒甚進展的民主運動.但因為"起義"這字眼帶有推翻政權的意味,觸動了北京神經,建制派群起圍攻要杯葛補選.輿論也大肆宣揚北京不滿,批評公社兩黨這行動是挑戰一國兩制的底線云云.亦有評論員在政改論壇上說"起義"一詞是近乎恐嚇,林瑞麟局長更乘勢呼籲辭職五子應臨崖勒馬. 本來流於中間的溫和派也對五區公投突然反感,認為總辭是過激了的泛民人士也大大增加. 一時間公社兩黨四面楚歌,但既然已被捲入洪流,只可順勢去之.

在我看來,市民害怕的不是"起義"二字而是"北京不滿";恐嚇市民的不是公社兩黨,而是廣傳親中人士意見的輿論.因為害怕北京不滿而急急表態,與五區總辭劃清界線; 因為害怕失去既得利益,所以沒辦法坦然面對良心,匆匆棄權.這其實都是人知常情. 我們都想魚與熊掌兼得, 既有民主,又可享有在中央政策之下帶來的經濟成果.但是當要二選一,既得利益者因為要維護本身利益,當然是要就手的錢. 因為誰也不能保證更民主的社會會帶來更巨大的經濟效益 (雖然這是西方推銷民主時的說法)而普羅大眾呢,就因為安於生活裡的慣性,縱然是感到有一點不妥,如非"迫到埋身"往往對改變持懷疑的態度.

這次補選的真正意義是以議員的職位作賭注,希望市民向政府表達取消功能組別,在2017/20時達成真正的雙普選的意願.不要被"起義"或"北京不滿"兩字蒙敝了視線,因為這根本不是一個對抗,只是一個較有創意的表達民意的渠道而已.結果亦沒有法律效力,如果要消耗精神猜量是次選舉的認受性, 何不簡單地將自己的意見放進投票箱內?




在建制派的全力護航下,高鐵撥款正式通過,結果不令人意外.這次的財委會議突顯亦深化了香港內既得利益者與被剥削的弱勢社群之間的矛盾. 80後真正要反的不是高鐵,而是長久以來重商輕民的發展觀念.

在這埸爭議中,政府其中一個撐高鐵的理由是如果高鐵不起,香港便會被"邊緣化" - 難道香港就這麼害怕被拼出去嗎? 地理上香港從來都在邊緣. 在中國未改革開放前香港一直是中國對外看的窗戶,亦是西方打開中國市場的踏腳石.在這裡不同的理念主意都可以自由流通,沒有自我審查,中西文化渾然一體卻又彰顯出胡主席所重之社會和諧.我們背靠祖國,面向國際,一直以來都是站於邊緣,無論是經濟或政治上這亦是香港唯一的定位.我城不能亦不可只成為中國境內的其中一個城市. 無可否認香港現在的經濟依附於中央的政策之下,但臣服不是唯一的出路,我們這樣只會愈退愈後.當權者,請拿出帶領香港走出困局的氣魄吧

從80後的反高鐵示威者中我看到了80後對香港長遠發展的願景,確確實實的感受到這一代對我城的氶擔. 高鐵只是一個楔子, 相信社運陸續有來.在這以前,站在道德高地批判政府的80後也應想想實質的措施扶助真正不幸運的人,從小步開始,讓我城變得更人性化.
