父母對我無定向轉風式的改變人生目標頗有微言. 我想, 不只是父母, 連我自己也對自己在人生道上的左搖右擺感到無比疲累. 由土木工程到工業工程到金融再到毫無關係的東亞政策研究, 地點就由Davis到berkeley到new mexico 到new york到三藩市再到下一站, 東京, 過程真係峯迴路轉過TVB劇情. 畢業後總覺得自己大把世界, 不用早早定下那些27歳結婚, 30歳前買樓的人生目標, 更加不必急於俾份工綁死自己. 但, 兩年後現在的我面對著的是前所未有的恐懼. 我很害怕找不到那通向幸福的路. 我很害怕自己的堅持最後變成了任性和不成熟. 而所謂的"if you do what you like, you don't have to work a day"又其實係唔係呃細路既謊言 - 除左Steve Jobs 外, 有無人真心喜歡他們的工作而又搵到錢? 雖然可幸地前面可選的路還有很多, 但又有幾多條是只是窮途(figuratively and literally) 而就算選對了路,我又有無耐性走到最後?
快要去日本了, 話唔淆係呃你的. 這次去日本有點破釜沈舟的意味,一定要趁這兩年好好裝備自己然後被博士課程取錄-不成功便成仁, 成功的話當然是糠莊大路, 失敗了便alas, 耗盡這兩年的積蓄然後再一次回到原點.
Can I pull this off this time?
good luck in japan...it is good to do sth diff, add oil!!
回覆刪除ps. i think u are awesome...=P
ai what worries me is not that i am doing something different (actually what i've been doing is pretty standard la) but the fact that i seem to lack the patience to stick with something for too long and that i can't seem to settle with anything ><
回覆刪除haha, hearing that i am awesome from you is very lum