


日式邊爐:邊爐後,加飯和蛋,拌勻至糊狀務求把飯將湯的精華都吸收。but in the end, 邊爐還是邊爐

適應環境是不是就是將自己改造,去迎合因環境改變而對自身期望及認知改變的過程?我意識到在日本的我不是在美國的我,也不是在香港的我。變化之大有時自己也令自己驚訝。如果不同的環境,情況都會帶出一個不同的「我」,哪,甚麼時候的我才是「真」的我?是不是其實所謂的「自我」不過是一個相對性的設定(relative setting)而沒有絕對的定義(absolute definition)?


當然,這個英語的例子可引伸至生活裡其他的習慣。以前在美國人為主的聚會我都話很少,但昨夜出席日本人為多數的火窩聚會我竟然沒有感到一絲格格不入的不安,友人都很體諒我的爛日語而盡量遷就說英語, 很奇怪地到中段話說得最多,情緒最高漲的那個竟然是我。這個「我」當然不是那個在美國人聚會不自然的「我」,但亦不完全是自然流露沒有計算的「我」。那是因為我知道日本友人會對我很寬容而稍為放肆的我。美國人一般來說都比日本人來得開放,但在美國我明白自己不是一個完全的美國人,因而找不到自己的定位所以沒法好好自處,在日本我卻能利用日本人對美國人的觀感去令自己覺得輕鬆。


7 則留言:

  1. 哈哈 怪不得昨天看你很high的样子。
    其实大可不必在乎那么多,Just be yourself,“沉默的我” “活跃的我”,都是“我”。这种多样性才让“我”变得更多姿多彩

  2. haha dong, thx for the comment, but "Just be yourself" is an irony in itself. I am always being myself but the self changes according to the environment. This is an issue to me because I want to find "the" place that I am most comfortable with and to do find that, I need to find out where can I be true.

  3. so true. "me" is always relative...no absolute definition

  4. there are countless definitions/interpretations of "self", but i would dare say one of the definitions could be that you are your true self when you are happy :)

    you can't lie to yourself about your inner emotions. when you are not comfortable with what you are doing you are not yourself. of course, when you adapt to changes and make yourself comfortable with the changes, things become easy on you and you can be yourself again.

    go after happiness. the true happiness.

  5. thx but who are u? I'd like to associate a person with this thoughtful comment. =]

  6. yeah I agree with you. Neither do I can hardly find myself... But I do believe that the whole life itself is a process to look for the "true self".

    I don't know if you have similar feelings about the 2 months life at Japan as I do. I think I'm right now going through the "culture shock"...

  7. hint: i have a kenting keychain!

    shuuu just keep the answer to yourself k? :)
